Lauren Renee

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The Abandonment Wound
The Abandonment Wound

Are you quite sure you don't have an abandonment wound? Check out how silently this wound can sneak up on you and ingrain itself into your life.

by Lauren Renee
The Lonely Side of Healing
The Lonely Side of Healing

It will feel scary when the ones who are closest to you no longer resonate with you. When the time is right, you have to let go.

by Lauren Renee
Mirror, Mirror: Twin Flames and the Art of Reflection
Mirror, Mirror: Twin Flames and the Art of Reflection

The twin flame journey is intricately tied to the mirror effect, where each person subconsciously reflects buried beliefs and past wounds for self-awareness and healing.

by Lauren Renee
Mirrors: I Am Yours, You Are Mine
Mirrors: I Am Yours, You Are Mine

Understanding the psychological phenomenon of mirroring is like turning on a flashlight in a dark room – it helps us see how we unknowingly reflect each other's inner world, the good and the not-so-good. It's a big deal as it significantly influences self-awareness, growth and the healing process.

by Lauren Renee
From Sacred to Scam: Examining the Diverse Perspectives of Twin Flames
From Sacred to Scam: Examining the Diverse Perspectives of Twin Flames

From a profound love more deep than a soul mate, to accusations of promoting narcissism and abuse or even to the denial of the connection overall, the recent widespread fascination with twin flames has led to various beliefs.

by Lauren Renee
Twin Flames: Love's Crash Course to Awakening & Self
Twin Flames: Love's Crash Course to Awakening & Self

The experience of love with Twin Flames is profoundly beautiful and magical, yet surrounded by misconceptions, this connection is one of the most transformative and challenging life experiences.

by Lauren Renee
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