Lauren Renee

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Escape the Mind Jail: The Journey Through Pain to Mental Freedom (Part 2)
Escape the Mind Jail: The Journey Through Pain to Mental Freedom (Part 2)

Continuing from Part 1, this article emphasizes the importance of breaking free from the mind's control and the steps to take to separate the mind from Self.

by Lauren Renee
Escape the Mind Jail: A Journey Through Pain to Mental Freedom (Part 1)
Escape the Mind Jail: A Journey Through Pain to Mental Freedom (Part 1)

From persistent mind-generated problems to a personal journey of awakening, this article delves into the power our minds hold and how we are dismally unaware of how our mind is separate from our Self.

by Lauren Renee
The Reality Check: Why a Relationship Won't Fix Your Unhappiness
The Reality Check: Why a Relationship Won't Fix Your Unhappiness

Let's face the truth together, romantic relationships are NOT the solution to personal happiness and fulfillment.

by Lauren Renee
What Is Self-Love?
What Is Self-Love?

Understanding true self-love requires diving beyond popular misconceptions into the profound journey of internal introspection.

by Lauren Renee
Nurturing Your Inner Child: The Key to Self-Love
Nurturing Your Inner Child: The Key to Self-Love

In the journey towards self-love, acknowledging and healing the inner child proves transformative, offering a profound impact on personal growth and well-being.

by Lauren Renee
The Fear Factor: Shattering Barriers to Fulfillment
The Fear Factor: Shattering Barriers to Fulfillment

In a world where fear often holds people back from happiness, this article explores the pervasive influence of fear, the common feeling of inadequacy, and practical steps to conquer fear and unlock a more authentic and fulfilling life.

by Lauren Renee
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