Numbness is Not Feeling Nothing... It's Feeling Everything

The numbness that you're feeling, it's not that you feel nothing at all, it's that you are feeling everything you've bottled up and you do not know how to process it. And how could you, you've never been shown how.

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Who Are You, Really?

While your authentic self is the truest expression of who you are, the Ego represents the false self that has been shaped by external pressures and expectations. We all subconsciously act in our ego-self for acceptance. How do we break free?

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You Are Good Enough

The deepest core wound that I recognized within myself is the fear of never being good enough. It blew my mind to hear that collectively we actually all feel the same way! Imagine the life everyone would lead if we could all let go of that negative belief system...

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Finding Your Spark Again

For those who feel like you're never going to be happy again. For those who feel like you're never good enough. For those who feel defeated. It's time to choose YOU.

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Trauma: Freeing Yourself From Your Puppet Master

Imagine waking up every day feeling like a puppet, controlled by invisible strings from your past. Each decision you make, every reaction you feel, dictated by past wounds. This is every single person's reality until you are ready to break free from trauma.

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Trauma: Your Puppet Master Within

Trauma is a puppet master pulling your strings. There is no freedom in running away from it. There is no freedom in ignoring it. There is only freedom in acknowledging it.

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The Abandonment Wound

Are you quite sure you don't have an abandonment wound? Check out how silently this wound can sneak up on you and ingrain itself into your life.

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The Lonely Side of Healing

It will feel scary when the ones who are closest to you no longer resonate with you. When the time is right, you have to let go.

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