You have choice in this.
This situation that you're in right now.
This situation that you wish there was a different outcome for.
This situation that you don't know how you got yourself into.
This situation that makes you unhappy.
You have choice.
Every single human on Earth has the freedom of choice, every single moment of every single day.
Take a moment and read that again.
Did the weight of that sink in?
You have choice.
Every moment.
Every single day.
You are living out that freedom of choice right now.
And your freedom of choice has led you here.
So now, the question is, where is your freedom of choice going to lead you next?
What is going to be your next choice?
Will you continue in the known and the comfortable yet be unhappy? Or will you take a leap of faith, be courageous, and choose the love and happiness you want the most in this lifetime.
Maybe you’ve always dreamed of moving to a new city, pursuing a different career, ending a relationship that’s been weighing you down, or having a conversation that is immensely vulnerable. That’s where courage steps in. Choosing happiness could mean pursuing that dream job, even if it feels risky, or moving to that city where you envision a fresh start. It could mean having that hard conversation you’ve been putting off for years. This leap of faith is the first step toward the life you truly want. Imagine the relief, the joy of knowing you took a stand for your happiness, and the doors it may open for you.
You get to say F*** it, I'm doing it, and go for it!
You get to choose you and your happiness. This choice isn’t selfish; it’s essential. Choosing your happiness creates a ripple effect, transforming not only your life but also those around you, and how you show up for them.
Think about it, the relationship that you're not happy in, and you've settled for, you get to give the other person their life back, and their opportunity to find a deep reciprocal love. And you get to give that to yourself too. Leaving the career you don't like, opens up the position for the next person who has a deep passion for it, starting a new career means you get to be the person with the knowledge to help someone who's been waiting for someone like you. Moving to the new city could be where you grow a community and find your soul tribe.
That's what courageous choice can do for you. That's what taking a leap of faith can do for the world.
You get to choose who you want in your life and what your life looks like, and choosing your happiness is helping the rest of your community choose their own happiness.
Most of us settle because we're afraid to put ourselves out there. We're afraid that we could be rejected, hurt, fail or never find better. So we accept complacency. And in doing so, we live our lives in a place of longing and unhappiness. Yet, that one courageous choice, that one leap of faith, could be the thing that skyrockets your life.

The choice to change what is known and comfortable is pretty overwhelming to most people because our ego and nervous system prefers a known hell over an unknown heaven. This is why asking someone out, speaking to strangers, having hard conversations, ending a relationship, changing careers, going back to school, etc., are all things that we as humans shy away from. We don't know what's on the other side, and your mind and ego will ALWAYS imagine the worst-case scenario. It will ALWAYS tell us that it will only make things worse. It will ALWAYS tell us the negative 'what if' scenario'.
"What if I say this, or do this, and it makes everything in my life worse?"
But your mind and ego will never say, "'What if' I do this and everything goes better than I ever imaged".
TIP: Whenever you hear your mind say 'what if' remember that that is your mind and ego trying to stay in control, that is not you. It's not your soul or your intuition. Don't listen to the what if's!
You must push past the known and the uncomfortable and make the choice that is right for YOU.
You have choice in this.
When you start making courageous choices, you might just find yourself living a life full of fulfillment, purpose, and joy. Imagine feeling lighter, more aligned with who you are, and looking forward to each day. Living a life of deep love, gratitude, and happiness. Every brave choice brings you one step closer to the life you’ve always dreamed of. Don’t just settle. Don’t be complacent. Don’t let your life slip by, and don’t let love and happiness slip by you. Remember: you have this power. You have choice, every single day
You never ever know where that courageous choice will lead, but I can promise you, it will lead to somewhere a little bit better than where you are today – even if that means just having clarity on a situation. Clarity over always wondering is so incredibly freeing.
How special it is that we each have the power to choose. So, what’s stopping you? What one choice could you make today to move closer to the life you dream of?